My miniature house is based upon Edgar Allen Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher." The Roger Corman film version really impressed me when I first saw it at age nine. The Poe story itself is open to many interpretations, but I felt the Corman film really captured a feeling of both dread and gloom.
In my House of Usher, the male Usher twin, Roderick, is comfortably gay, while his sister, Madelyn, is the more familially psychotic and the more dangerous. The visitor and narrator is clearly the brother's significant other from younger days. At the same time Madelyn is mistakenly buried alive in the crypt below the house, the mourners at her funeral carry on with their own Poe-driven stories.
Taking into account Poe's own dark philosophies, which underlie the whole premise of the story, I found pleasure in reimagining the circumstances of the Usher legacy in miniature.